Pupil Council
The role of the pupil council is to give the pupils of Lionel a voice to share and discuss ideas for ways to improve the school. They record ideas from their peers and discuss these ideas at fortnightly meetings. They then decide on the most effective ways to change and improve the school and then talk to the people who can help to make it happen. The pupil council then share their news and information about new initiatives and the important things which are achieved.
At the beginning of each academic year, a new council is elected. Any class member is entitled to run for Pupil Council and the decision in each class will be made by a secret ballot. Children wishing to be considered for Pupil Council will need to present a speech to their class giving clear reasons and examples of why they are the most suitable candidate for the job.
Pupil Members are made up from pupils from P2 – P7:
- Roy Morrison
- Hannah MacLean
- Megan MacLean
- Lewis MacLeod
- Scott Morrison
- Rhona MacLean
- Bethany Morrison
- Hannah Macritchie
- Jamie Mackenzie
- Cathlin MacLean